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Mastering the Transition Process: Creating Access to Employment Opportunities for Youth with Disabilities

$124.5  Set
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Janet Estervig

  • Mastering the Transition Process


Best Practices: Mastering the Transition Process is an essential professional development tool for all special educators.

This professional training resource has sessions in each of the following five areas:

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act examines the key regulations of WIOA, including its impact on youth as well as students and adults with disabilities.
  • Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) outlines the five required Pre-ETS activities as defined by WIOA: Job Exploration, Work-Based Learning, Post-Secondary Training, Workplace Readiness, and in Self-Advocacy.
  • Discovery Process highlights this person-centered approach to match a person’s interests and talents with the most appropriate work environment(s).

Job Developer Professional Development focuses on the primary role of the job developer—business engagement.

Job Coach Professional Development emphasizes the instrumental role of the job coach in supporting workers with disabilities to be successful in seeking and maintaining competitive integrated employment.

Contains Laminated reference guides for each topic, QR codes link to videos, PDFs, and PowerPoints and assessments to test your knowledge at the end of each training piece.

On completion generates a Certificate of Completion to share with administrators.