Robert J Wright, Garry Stanger, Ann K Stafford, James Martland, Pamela D Tabor, Amy J Hackenberg, Anderson Norton, David Ellemor-Collins
The Mathematics Recovery Series (aka Math Recovery) provides intensive instruction for early number learning. The inquiry-based approach assesses children's knowledge and builds on this to develop a firm foundation of understanding and confidence in mathematics. There are 8 books in the Mathematics Recovery Series:
Mathematics Recovery is an intensive intervention program in number learning, originally developed for low-attaining primary students. Over time Mathematics Recovery has been expanded with the approach being applied to developing numeracy in struggling students and those with developmental disabilities and special needs.
The program aims to advance children's number knowledge to a level at which they are likely to learn successfully in a regular class. Participating students are taught individually in daily sessions of about 25 minutes' duration, for 4 or 5 days per week, for teaching cycles of 12 to 15 weeks' duration.
Mathematics Recovery is also an intensive and extensive program of teacher professional development. For teachers new to Mathematics Recovery (MR), coming to know the Learning Framework in Number (LFIN) is a major and core aspect of their professional learning. In its basic form, LFIN is a set of five tables, each of which contains up to six levels. Each table in LFIN focuses on what is regarded in MR as a key aspect of early number knowledge. And in each table, the levels taken together constitute a progression of student learning, that is, the levels set out the number knowledge to be acquired progressively by the student. The five tables are referred to as models in the sense that each table models a progression of learning of a key aspect of number knowledge.