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Mental Health Educator Resources Secondary: Set of 7 books

RRP - $480.36   Our Price - $331.36  Softcover
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  • Mental Health Educator Resources Secondary

Interest Age: 5 to 18

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Reduce challenging behaviours and improve secondary student outcomes by increasing your skills to support students’ mental health. This collection includes:

  • A Practical Guide to Mental Health & Learning Disorders for Every Educator: How to Recognize, Understand, and Help Challenged (and Challenging) Students Succeed - An indispensable resource with strategies for teaching and supporting students with mental health disorders.
  • How (and Why) to Get Students Talking: 78 Ready-to-Use Group Discussions About Anxiety, Self-Esteem, Relationships, and More - Through guided group discussions, young people gain self-awareness, build important verbal communication skills, cope with difficult emotions, practice problem-solving, and more.
  • Boost Emotional Intelligence in Students: 30 Flexible Research-Based Activities to Build EQ Skills - This practical resource for educators explains what emotional intelligence is and why it’s important for all students.
  • The SEL Solution: Integrate Social and Emotional Learning into Your Curriculum and Build a Caring Climate for All - Inspiring and practical guide for educators on integrating social-emotional learning into the curriculum, fostering positive behavior and leadership, and creating a school culture of excellence.
  • End Peer Cruelty, Build Empathy: The Proven 6Rs of Bullying Prevention That Create Inclusive, Safe, and Caring Schools - Evidence-based bullying-prevention principles, policies, and practices to create a safe, caring school climate.
  • Create a Culture of Kindness in Middle School: 48 Character-Building Lessons to Foster Respect and Prevent Bullying - Through role-playing, perspective-taking, sharing, writing, discussion, and more, students develop the insights and skills they need to accept differences, resolve conflicts peacefully, stop bullying among peers, and create a community of kindness in their classrooms and school.
  • Activities for Building Character and Social-Emotional Learning Grades 6–8 - Build attitudes of respect and caring, reduce problem behaviors, empower students to solve problems, and educate the whole child with the flexible, user-friendly activity guide
Item MediaPrice
img_8555Mental Health Educator Resources Secondary
Set of 7 books
img_1003257Activities for Building Character and Social-Emotional
img_2006670Boost Emotional Intelligence in Students
30 Flexible Research-Based Activities to Build EQ Skills
img_3006361Create a Culture of Kindness in Middle School
48 Character-Building Lessons to Foster Respect and Prevent Bullying
img_4006668End Peer Cruelty, Build Empathy
The Proven 6Rs of Bullying Prevention That Create Inclusive, Safe, and Caring Schools
img_5007465How (and Why) to Get Students Talking
78 Ready-to-Use Group Discussions About Anxiety, Self-Esteem, Relationships, and More (Grades 6–12) (Revised & Updated Edition)
img_6007181A Practical Guide to Mental Health & Learning Disorders
How to Recognize, Understand, and Help Challenged (and Challenging) Students Succeed (Revised & Updated Edition)
sample_6007181Paperback (inc DR)$66.32Cart+
img_7007600The SEL Solution
Integrate Social and Emotional Learning into Your Curriculum and Build a Caring Climate for All