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Models for Implementing Response to Intervention: Tools, Outcomes, and Implications

$110  Hardback
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Edward S Shapiro, Naomi Zigmond, Teri Wallace, Doug Marston

  • Models for Implementing Response to Intervention

407 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781609181246

Providing a unique "on-the-ground" perspective, this book examines the implementation of three empirically supported response to intervention (RTI) models in four different school districts. The book addresses the complexity of putting RTI into place in the elementary grades, showing how the process actually took place and what impact it had on school climates and student learning and behaviour.

The challenges of systems change are explored and key lessons identified for improving intervention outcomes.

Invaluable reproducible tools developed and field tested during the implementation of each model can be downloaded and printed by purchasers in a convenient full-page size.

This resource will be helpful for school psychologists, K-12 school administrators and special educators; graduate students and researchers in these fields.

Table of Contents

  1. Progress Monitoring: Support and Practice Implementation from the Federal Level, Grace Zamora Dur’n, Elizabeth M. Hughes, and RenŽe Bradley

I. Monitoring Progress in Pennsylvania Pupils: Mp3 At Lehigh University

  1. The Structure and Context of the RTI Model, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, Edward S. Shapiro, Nathan H. Clemens, and Karen L. Gischlar
  2. The Process of Implementation and Design for Sustainability, Karen L. Gischlar, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, Nathan H. Clemens, and Edward S. Shapiro
  3. Student Achievement Outcomes, Nathan H. Clemens, Edward S. Shapiro, Alexandra Hilt-Panahon, and Karen L. Gischlar

II. Implementing Rti in Low-Achieving, High-Need Schools: Project Mp3 At the University of Pittsburgh

  1. Context and Commitment, Amanda Kloo, Charles D. Machesky, and Naomi Zigmond
  2. A Blueprint for Change, Amanda Kloo, Mar’a Almend’rez Barron, Eileen St. John, and Naomi Zigmond
  3. Celebrating Achievement Gains and Cultural Shifts, Naomi Zigmond, Amanda Kloo, and Kathleen Stanfa

III. The Minnesota Demonstrating Progress Monitoring Project

  1. The Context and Content of Implementation, Doug Marston, Ann Casey, and Teri Wallace
  2. The Process of Implementation, Doug Marston, Teri Wallace, Jane Thompson, Mathew Lau, and Paul Muyskens
  3. Evaluation of Implementation, Teri Wallace, Doug Marston, Ren’ta Tich’, Matthew Lau, and Paul Muyskens

IV. The University of Oregon-Eugene School District 4j Model of Rti

  1. The Context and Processå‡of Implementation, Yvonne Curtis, Larry Sullivan, Julie Alonzo, and Gerald Tindal
  2. The Measurement System Behind the RTI Model, Julie Alonzo and Gerald Tindal
  3. Implementation and Outcomes, Kimy Liu, Julie Alonzo, and Gerald Tindal

V. Perspective From the Model Demonstration Coordination Center

  1. A Cross-Case Perspective on the Implementation of Model Demonstration Projects, Mary Wagner and Phyllis Levine