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Months of Morphemes: A Theme-Based Cycles Approach

RRP - $75   Our Price - $72.68  Softcover
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Allison M Haskill, Ann A Tyler, Leslie C Tolbert

  • Months of Morphemes

320 pages
Interest Age: 3 to 6
ISBN: 9791586507427

Months of Morphemes is a language intervention program designed for educators to improve the grammatical morpheme skills of young children. There are three one-month cycles. Each cycle uses a different theme (water, animals, and food) and is arranged from easier to more difficult activities that provide decreasing levels of educator support. Months of Morphemes targets the following morphemes:

  • Regular third-person singular
  • Irregular past tense
  • Regular past tense
  • Copula be
  • Regular plurals
  • Possessives
  • Pronouns
  • Auxiliary be

This program also includes complete lesson plans with sample scripts. Each lesson plan includes auditory awareness, focused stimulation, and elicited production activities.