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Multilingualism, Literacy and Dyslexia: Breaking down barriers for educators

$69.08  Paperback
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Lindsay Peer, Gavin Reid

  • Multilingualism, Literacy and Dyslexia

272 pages
ISBN: 9781138898646

This fully revised new edition provides advice on the identification, assessment and support of bilingual learners and assists practitioners in identifying the difference between literacy difficulties due to bilingualism or multilingualism and dyslexia. An essential text for staff development, it includes innovative approaches in technology and teaching programmes beneficial to multilingual learners and advice on learning additional languages.

With contributions from experts from across the globe, this book will provide guidance on key themes, including:

  • the assessment of multilingual learners the impact of dyslexia on bilingualism
  • the literacy challenges facing learners from Indigenous cultures
  • the role of the SENCO in identifying children with English as an additional language and Dyslexia
  • the emotional needs of learners with bi/multilingualism and Dyslexia

This book will provide guidance to anyone involved in literacy development and language learning. With the increase in international schools around the globe and the ever growing desire for parents to ensure that their children become proficient in English, this book will appeal to teachers, teaching assistants, specialists, and all other practitioners who work with bi/multilingual children.

Table of Contents

Foreword Tony Cline and Charles Hayne

Section 1: Multilingualism, Literacy and Dyslexia: The Context

  1. Introduction Gavin Reid and Lindsay Peer
  2. Dyslexia and learning: theory into practice Angela Fawcett
  3. Dyslexia, Bi/Multilingualism and Otitis Media (Glue Ear): A Sticky Educational Problem! Lindsay Peer
  4. Dyslexia and Multilingualism: a critical perspective Deirdre Martin
  5. Principles and guidelines in test construction for multilingual children Gad Elbeheri and John Everett
  6. Multilingualism: The Role of the Psychologist in Assessment and Intervention Jenny Guise, Gavin Reid, Sionah Lannen and Colin Lannen
  7. Language, literacy, identity and culture: Challenges and responses for Indigenous Mori learners Sonja Macfarlane, Te Hurinui Clarke and Angus Macfarlane

Section 2: Planning Implementing Intervention

  1. Language-based literacy interventions: Innovative practice in South Africa Elizabeth Nadler-Nir and Michelle Pascoe
  2. Foreign language teacher training on dyslexia: DysTEFL resources Judit Kormos and Joanna Nijakowska
  3. EAL, SEND and Dyslexia; the role of the 21st Century SENCO Abigail Gray
  4. Findings from a Multilingualism Project Tilly Mortimer and Mim Hutchings
  5. Dyslexia and Bilingualism: The Case of Children Learning English as an Additional Language Linda Siegel
  6. Theory and practice in the support of young people and adults with English as an Additional Language and dyslexia, in further and higher education Sheena Bell and Emma Tudhope
  7. Two Blingual Case Studies From A Specialist Dyslexia Practioners Perspective - Working In Germany Maya Jakubowicz Section 3: Planning and Implementing Intervention
  8. Contradictions/dilemmas around differentiation in and out of class for students with dyslexia studying EFL Marie Rontou
  9. Approaching Dyslexia and Multiple Languages Gilda Palti
  10. The development of reading skills in children provided simultaneous instruction in two distinct writing systems Nandini Singh and Kate Currawalla
  11. The emotional and mental health challenges of acculturation, multilingual stress and migration Richard Soppitt
  12. Policy Considerations in Addressing the Needs of L2 Learners Who May Have Dyslexia Esther Geva and Yueming Xi
  13. Neighbor Languages in Scandinavia in a Multilingual World Michael Dal Post Script Lindsay Peer and Gavin Reid