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Navi-Gator™: A Picture-Mapping Program for Parents and Children

RRP - $40.45   Our Price - $36.32  Softcover
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Dale Seiden, Donna Geffner

  • Navi-Gator™

ISBN: 9781607230311

Navi-Gator: A Picture-Mapping Program for Parents and Children is a 58-page book designed to help parents and caregivers communicate with their children. Navi-Gator guides you in creating your own drawings to teach and reinforce concepts of positive behaviour and communication. This picture-mapping helps to teach your child appropriate and inappropriate behaviours by using simple pictures linked to a personalised, sequential story (rather than only language) to shape real-life situations and foster understanding.

Navi-Gator explains how to make picture-maps for 22 real-life situations (ex. Fighting with Siblings) in five different categories:

  • Socialisation
  • School Life
  • Family Dynamics
  • Medical & Dental
  • Safety for Children

"To have your kids' lives work with elegance and ease - read Navi-Gator and put your visual (imaging) and storytelling on steroids! I love this break-through system!"
- Mark Victor Hansen, creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul