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No Room for Bullies Book and CD Set

$63.59  Softcover (inc CD)
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Kim Yeutter-Brammer, Susan Lamke, Jo C Dillon, Matthew J Minturn, Alesia K Montgomery, Kristina Krause

  • No Room for Bullies Book and CD Set

112 pages
Interest Age: 10 to 14

This book shatters popular myths about bullying to reveal its stark realities. You'll learn who's playing the intimidation game, and how they play it ... from social exclusion, physical violence, and emotional backstabbing to sexual sleaze and cyberspace cruelty. No Room for Bullies takes you beyond problem recognition to proven solutions.

The material on the CD will help school administrators and teachers address the problems presented by bullying. Included are surveys, skill posters, problem-solving worksheets, tracking forms and logs, a lesson plan and role-play scenarios, notes to recognise positive student behaviour, and ideas for class meeting agendas on bullying.

Item MediaPrice
img_7212No Room for Bullies Book and CD Set
Softcover (inc CD)$63.59Cart+
img_1006961No Room for Bullies, Lesson Plans For Grades 5-8
Activities that Address Bullying by Teaching Social Skills and Problem Solving to Students
Softcover (inc CD)$39.05Cart+
img_2007211No Room for Bullies CD
School Surveys, Forms, and Skill Posters
Softcover (inc CD)$25.00Cart+