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Numeracy for All Learners: Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs

$73.63  Softcover
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Pamela D Tabor, Dawn Dibley, Amy J Hackenberg, Anderson Norton

  • Numeracy for All Learners

224 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781526491954

Numeracy for All Learners is a wide-ranging overview of how Math Recovery theory, pedagogy, and tools can be applied meaningfully to special education to support learners with a wide range of educational needs.

It builds on the first six books in the Mathematics Recovery series and presents knowledge, resources, and examples for teachers working with students with special needs from Pre-K through secondary school.

Key topics include: dyscalculia, what contemporary neuroscience tells us about mathematical learning, and differentiating assessment and instruction effectively to meet the needs of all students in an equitable framework.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Learning Framework in Number for the Classroom

Chapter 2: Professional Principles and Practices

Chapter 3: Good Instruction for All Students

Chapter 4: Numeracy and Functional Mathematics

Chapter 5: Assessing Students with Disabilities

Chapter 6: Using the Learning Framework in Number to Write Individualized Education Programs

Chapter 7: Brain Research: Implications for Teaching and Learning Mathematics

Chapter 8: Dyscalculia

Chapter 9: Differentiating Instruction

Chapter 10: Teaching Students with Disabilities

Chapter 11: The Constructivist as Teacher

Chapter 12: Supporting Students with Other Special Needs