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Nurturing a Healthy Mind

$31.77  Paperback
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Michael C Nagel Australian author

  • Nurturing a Healthy Mind

248 pages
ISBN: 9781921966026

Nurturing a Healthy Mind takes the available science on how the brain responds to environment stimuli and presents it in an easy-to-understand and user-friendly format. It ‘translates’ what neuroscience is telling us about the development of the brain from infancy to the early school years and explains how this knowledge can help us deal with the everyday realities of raising healthy and happy children.

The 90's was declared the "Decade of the Brain" and a flurry of research on brain development soon followed. The result: two decades on we now know more about the brain than we did since the first recorded writings 6000 years ago.

Advances in technology and science have taught us a great deal and Nurturing a Healthy Mind supports the growing consensus that research on brain development is relevant to parenting. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, parents and teachers are seeing the benefits of this research, with child rearing and education being shaped by new understandings of the human brain.

It is becoming wider knowledge that the interactions between our genetic makeup, early experiences and environmental influences shape the architecture of the developing brain. And as such our understanding of the importance of the early years of life have, thankfully, received much greater attention and scrutiny. We are witnessing a tsunami of research, in conjunction with well-informed individuals, looking to ensure that all children receive the attention they need in their earliest days of life.

Nurturing a Healthy Mind, with its easy-to-understand format, gives parents and early caregivers a great opportunity to tap into this research and provide the best environment possible for healthy child development.

So if you’ve ever wondered whether enrolling your three-year-old in enrichment programs will give them a head start in life, or have simply despaired at your four-year-old’s inability to sit still, you’ll find the book Nurturing a Healthy Mind essential reading.

"Expert in child development Dr Michael Nagel busts neuro-myths in Nurturing a Healthy Mind , stating: “In one particular study, researchers noted that while daily reading with a parent can be associated with a seven-point increase in language scores across various measures, each hour of daily baby DVD viewing was associated with a 17-point decrease."
- Natural Parenting

"A treasure trove of information, Nurturing a Healthy Mind knits together the latest findings in brain science while dispelling long-held myths about how to train the brain. Bravo!"
- Dr Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek, Director of the Infant Language Laboratory, and the Stanley and Debra Lefkowitz Professor in the Department of Psychology, Temple University