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Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD In Children And Adults: A Practical Guide

$129.09  Paperback
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Thomas E Brown

  • Outside the Box

334 pages
ISBN: 9781585624270

Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults - A Practical Guide identifies assumptions about ADD/ADHD that demand re-evaluation in light of recent research. Building upon a current, science-based foundation, the book describes in practical terms how ADHD can be recognised at various ages, how it differs from more typical brain development, how it can significantly impair those affected, and how it can safely, and in most cases effectively, be treated in children and adults. The book is based upon current scientific research but also on the experience and perspective of the author, a clinician who has devoted more than 35 years to studying this disorder formally and countless hours to engaging with and providing treatment for a diversity of children, teenagers, and adults with ADHD and related problems. The book's audience is the wide variety of clinicians involved in assessing, treating, and/or monitoring the care of children and adults with this disorder (e.g., paediatricians, primary care physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, physician assistants, advanced practice nurses, and clinical social workers) and also educators, disability service providers, human resource specialists, and the adolescents and adults who seek more information about ADHD assessment and treatment for themselves or for family or friends.

The book offers practical, accessible information that is grounded in the latest research:

  • The book is focused not primarily on details of academic arguments but on practical aspects of ADHD' - how it varies from one person to another, how it changes over the life span, how treatments need to be adjusted for different individuals, and how it sometimes gets worse and sometimes gets better.
  • Emphasising that ADHD is not a simple problem of failing to listen or staying focused on a task, the author examines research demonstrating that ADHD results from impairment of a complex syndrome of brain functions essential for self-management, the 'executive functions.'?
  • While DSM-5 is acknowledged as a valuable source of information about ADHD, this book draws upon a wider range of scientific research and perspectives not yet incorporated into DSM.
  • Although accessible to the general reader, the text includes citations to sources that can be used to obtain additional, more technical information.
  • Utterly current and scientifically based, Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults: A Practical Guide challenges old thinking and provides much-needed information and support to clinicians, educators, patients, and families.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Basic Facts and the Central Mystery of ADHD

Chapter 2. A New Model: ADHD as Executive Function Impairments

Chapter 3. A Variety of Differences Among Persons with ADHD

Chapter 4. Ways ADHD Can Impair Functioning at Various Age Levels

Chapter 5. How ADHD Shapes "Brain Googling" for Motivations

Chapter 6. How ADHD Develops, Sometimes Improves and Sometimes Gets Worse

Chapter 7. How and Why Other Disorders Often Co-Occur with ADHD

Chapter 8. Assessing ADHD in Adults, Adolescents, and Children

Chapter 9. Emotional Dynamics in Families and Social Relationships with ADHD

Chapter 10. Practical Aspects of Medication Treatments for ADHD

Chapter 11. Practical Aspects of Non-Medication Treatments for ADHD

Chapter 12. Adapting Treatment when ADHD Is More Complicated


"This brilliant book by a superb clinician-researcher compresses a wealth of vital, practical information into a marvelously user-friendly and engaging format. It's chock-full of everything anyone interested in ADHD wants to know, arranged in such a way that you can find what you want and will never be bored."
- Edward Hallowell, M.D., author of Driven to Distraction and other books

"Out of the Box is arguably the best practical book ever written on ADHD. Brown persuasively conveys that ADHD appears in many forms across the lifespan'and sets the record straight in terms of its linkage with core problems in working memory, emotion regulation, activation, and motivation. Laden with compelling case examples that humanize this condition, the writing is both authoritative and readable. Overall, the book masterfully blends the underlying science related to ADHD with extremely helpful guidance for assessment and treatment. It is a must-read for anyone dealing with ADHD."
- Stephen P. Hinshaw, Phvsaa.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley

"Outside the Box offers an accessible update on the latest research about ADHD and answers questions and doubts that many struggle with about this disorder which is very prevalent in children and adults all over the world."
- Sandra Kooij, M.D., Ph.D., Chair, European Network Adult ADHD