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PAth to Literacy

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Howard Goldstein

  • PAth to Literacy

294 pages
Interest Age: 4 to 6
ISBN: 9781681251950

When young children struggle with phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge, how can you intervene early and prevent later reading difficulties? Get kids on the PAth to Literacy with this highly effective Tier 2 intervention. Developed for children ages 4 to 6 who need help with key early literacy skills, this supplemental curriculum builds phonological awareness and alphabet skills through fun activities that keep children engaged as they learn.

Young children will learn how to:

  • blend and segment words
  • identify first parts of words
  • identify first sounds of words
  • learn letter names
  • master letter–sound correspondence

How does PAth to Literacy work?

Deliver PAth to Literacy right in your classroom to small groups of students who struggle with phonological awareness and alphabet skills. In just 10 to 15 minutes a day, you'll give students

  • Scripted instruction. Using the included scripts and the word and picture cards, you'll play fun word games with your students. Children listen and respond to your prompts.
  • Explicit teaching and modelling. You'll show your students word and picture cards with target words and sounds. Then you’ll model key skills for them by sounding out words and dissecting them through physical gestures.
  • Multiple opportunities for practice. Each engaging, multi sensory lesson encourages active participation and provides multiple chances for students to repeat sounds, observe actions, and answer questions.

All children in the group participate in 2 lessons each week; children needing additional support participate in a third lesson. The full curriculum consists of 36 lessons that take approximately 24-36 instructional days to complete.

The PAth to Literacy Teacher's manual includes 36 lesson scripts, lesson data sheets, progress monitoring assessments, attendance record sheet, fidelity of implementation observation form and scoring guide


  • Addresses key predictors of later reading success: phonological awareness and alphabet skills
  • Promotes kindergarten readiness by helping children develop the skills they need to succeed
  • Includes fully scripted lessons that are easy to administer by a teacher or a classroom aide
  • Answers the call for proven, research-based interventions—PAth to Literacy was developed by leading early childhood researchers from the federally funded Center for Response to Intervention in Early Childhood (CRTIEC)
  • Engages young children with fun multi-sensory activities that encourage participation
  • Fits easily into your schedule—takes just 10 to 15 minutes a day
  • Requires no special training—just follow the simple implementation guidelines in the Teacher Guide and the online professional development modules

PAth to Literacy is appropriate for use by early childhood educators, special educators, literacy specialists, literacy coaches, speech-language pathologists, paraprofessionals and teacher aides.

Table of Contents

PAth to Literacy Teacher Guide

  • Program Overview
  • Program Components
  • Implementing PAth to Literacy
  • Key Program Elements and Instructional Content
  • PAth to Literacy at a Glance
  • Lesson Implementation
  • Lessons
  • Assessments
  • Resource Masters
  • The Research Behind PAth to Literacy

More than 450 4-colour instructional cards and word sheets:

  • Picture Cards and Picture-Word Cards
  • Picture Sheets and Picture-Word Sheets
  • Letter and Word Cards

Storage box with dividers

Online materials

  • Lesson data sheets and assessments
  • Professional development modules with video clip examples

"Following PAth to Literacy's beautifully designed hierarchy of instruction is sure to strengthen the phonological awareness of preschoolers and kindergartners. Children will enjoy the colorful cards and the game-like format."
- Cecile Spector, Private Practice and Consultant