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2nd Edition

PBIS Team Handbook: Setting Expectations and Building Positive Behavior

RRP - $75.91   Our Price - $67.23  Softcover
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Beth Baker, Char Ryan

  • PBIS Team Handbook

216 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781631983757

PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) is the most important tool educators have to deal with disruptive student behaviors. This revised and updated handbook provides detailed guidelines for implementing and sustaining PBIS for schools and teams. New in this edition:

  • a chapter addressing inequity and bias in behavior referrals and discipline
  • information about the tiered fidelity inventory (TFI) to evaluate adherence to PBIS practices
  • review of data collection methods and approaches to problem-solving
  • new research on sustainability
  • guidance on aligning with Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)

Positive school climates are not achieved through expulsions, suspensions, or detentions, but instead through collective analysis and data-driven decision-making. Downloadable digital content offers a PDF presentation to aid staff buy-in and customizable forms to help manage data and assess progress with ease.