Pamela Espeland, Elizabeth Verdick
Want to have more fun with your family?
Talk with your parents about almost anything?
Get to know other grown-ups who will help you and cheer you on?
Know your neighbours better?
Get along great with your teachers and other kids of school?
Get your parents more involved in helping you succeed in school?
This little book introduces and describes the six support assets: Family Support, Positive Family Communication, Other Adult Relationships, Caring Neighbourhood, Caring School Climate, and Parent Involvement in Schooling.
Each asset is clearly defined and introduced by a story. Kids learn concrete, realistic ways to build family closeness and strengthen other important relationships in their lives. Having support means having people around you who love you, care for you, and accept you. It means having places to be and go where you feel happy, welcome, and safe.
This book helps you add support to your life. Stories tell about kids who are doing this for themselves or a friend. In between are ideas for you to try - at home, at school, in your neighbourhood, in your community, and with your friends. Some are quick and easy, and some take time. Some you can do alone, and some you'll want to do with other people. Pick one idea and start today. Add the support you need!
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