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Phonics Dice Booster Pack

$42.27  Game
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William Van Cleave

  • Phonics Dice Booster Pack

Interest Age: 8 to 18

Phonics Dice Advanced Booster Kit provides quick, stimulating reinforcement for both phonological and morphological skills. This Booster Kit should be used as an add-on to Phonics Dice Deluxe. The kit was created with multisensory structured language instruction in mind. Because the kit covers a range of skills, but most of them involve morphology, it is recommended for students in grades 3-12. Tons of games and activities included!

  • 4 custom-made dice enhance many language-based learning activities
  • used to guide language study review, create a game, or add a little pizzaz to a lesson
  • includes pamphlet of activity suggestions for tutorial and classroom use
  • covers advanced concepts, including /shun/ and common prefixes and suffixes
  • adaptable to many morphology-based lessons
  • dice are custom-made by W.V.C.ED and inked for long-term use and wear!

This kit complements & extends the Phonics Dice Deluxe kit.

Table of Contents

  • common non-assimilated prefixes die
  • common suffixes die
  • bag of 120 cover chips (20 each of 6 colours)
  • common non-assimilated prefixes gameboards
  • /shun/ gameboards
  • common suffixes gameboard
  • advanced suffixes beginning with i gameboard
  • assimilated (chameleon) Latin prefixes gameboards (require 8-sided die from Phonics Dice Deluxe)
  • Activities booklet