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Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat: Laminated Phonological Awareness Games with Magnetic Chips

RRP - $121.77   Our Price - $109.05  Game
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Nancy Crist, Rose Sheedy

  • Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat

Interest Age: 4 to 9
ISBN: 9781586504700

Say "at." Now, put "ch" at the beginning. What do you get? "Chat," as in "Chipper Chat!" the coolest magnetic way to improve your students' pre-reading skills! Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat is so comprehensive that it targets twelve different areas of phonological awareness skills. It is the ultimate resource for students who are pre-readers and students who have acquired some reading skills, but they need additional assistance in the area of phonological awareness.

Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat skills include:

  • Discrimination of rhyming words
  • Production of rhyming words
  • Segmentation of words in a sentence
  • Blending of syllables
  • Segmentation of syllables
  • Deletion of syllables
  • Identification of phonemes
  • Blending of phonemes
  • Segmentation of phonemes
  • Deletion of phonemes
  • Addition of phonemes
  • Manipulation of phonemes

With 450 items in each phonological area, students will have a phenomenal amount of phonological fun! That's a grand total of 5,400 opportunities to improve pre-reading skills! Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat also includes a "Quick Assessment" for each of the twelve areas. The "Quick Assessments" provide the teacher/therapist with an easy method to determine a starting point in the program, emerging skills of the student, and mastery of skills after remediation.

During the game, the students listen and respond to the phonological tasks. They earn chips as the game progresses. Then, the fun continues when the chips "fly up to the magic wand" at the end of the game!

Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat comprises:

A total of 60 individual game boards (5 game boards for each of the 12 phonological skills)

  • 112-page lesson book with target items and reproducible masters for each game
  • "Quick Assessments" for each phonological skill area
  • Magnetic wand
  • 100 magnetic chips
  • Record sheet to track student progress
  • Large die
Item MediaPrice
img_2939Phonological Awareness Chipper Chat
Laminated Phonological Awareness Games with Magnetic Chips
Chipper Chat - Extra Magnetic Chips
(pack of 100)
(not included in set)
Chipper Chat - Extra Magnetic Wands
(pack of 2)
(not included in set)