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Pip and Tim Stage 7, Unit 3: 5 book set

$38.64  Paperback
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Berys Dixon Australian author

  • Pip and Tim Stage 7, Unit 3

ISBN: 9780994512918

More Stage 7 decodable books about the adventures of Pip and Tim. These beautifully illustrated decodable books are written specifically to provide children with enjoyment while practising their phonic knowledge in text.  Read below a synopsis of the story and the focus  phoneme/grapheme.

The familiar Pip and Tim Zan family continue to feature in all the books.  

Each story is carefully crafted by Berys Dixon to engage children with surprises and humour.  This is reflected in the colourful and quirky illustrations by Danielle McDonald. 

Books children LOVE to read with words they CAN read - vowel phonemes oo (long and short oo sound),  oi oy, ow  ou.

Stage 7, Unit 3 books:

41. Hullabaloo - Have you ever had a goose snooze in your bathroom? It is Mrs Mack's goose. Mum, Tim and Pip take Boo, the goose, back to Mrs Mack's farm. What a hullabaloo!! Where is Mrs Mack? The focus is on words with the long /oo/ - Boo the goose

42. Down on the Farm - Pip and Tim help Mrs Mack as she can't look after her animals. They have lots of things to do while Flapjack keeps an eye on them! The focus is on words with /ow/ represented by the two graphemes ow and ou.

43. Oink, Oink, Oink! - Pip and Tim go shopping with their Mum to the Foy's Fantastic Fun Store. However, the Smith twins are also there and we know that this means trouble - lots of noise and pranks! The focus is on words with /oy/ represented by oi and oy.

44. Oops! - Oops tells about what happens when Pip and Tim decide to cook cookies. A lovely twist at the end of the story - who eats the cookies? The short /oo/ sound is introduced as in Oops.

45. Hullabazoo - Mrs Mack gives Pip and Tim a voucher to go to Hullabazoo as a thank you for looking after her farm. Pip and Tim write an email telling Mrs Mack how much they enjoyed it. They also attached some photos. Read Pip and Tim's blog on Friendbook. All graphemes introduced in the previous 4 books are featured.