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Planning for the Success of Students with IEPs: A Systematic, Supports-Based Approach

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James R Thompson

  • Planning for the Success of Students with IEPs

264 pages
ISBN: 9781324016410

A great special educator is an expert problem-solver.

The difficulties that students with individual education plans (IEPs) encounter in general education classrooms are rarely impossible to overcome. What is required to help them succeed is figuring out the individualised supports they need, whether that involves accessing technology, receiving assistance from a peer or adult, or curricular and assignment adaptations.

In this comprehensive handbook, James R. Thompson synthesises the work of a team of experts to provide a roadmap for that problem-solving process. The Systematic Supports Planning Process is structured around three central questions that lead to identifying different types of support:

  • What to teach?' - curricular adaptations
  • 'How to teach?' - instructional supports
  • 'How to promote participation?' - participation supports

Packed with easy-to-follow guidelines, as well as implementation tools and examples, this book is a one-stop reference for planning, delivering, monitoring, and evaluating the supports that students with IEPs require.

Table of Contents

Figures and Tables xi

Acknowledgments xiii

  1. Special Educators as Problem-Solvers - Understanding Students by Their Needs for Support
  2. The Systematic Supports Planning Process - Your Roadmap to Success
  3. Assess for Success - Using Assessments to Inform Supports Planning
  4. Curricular Adaptations - The Power of Knowing What to Teach and What Students Will Learn
  5. Instructional Supports - Personalizing Instruction for Student Success
  6. Participation Supports - Engaging Students to Be Full Members of the Classroom
  7. Universal Design for Learning - Designing Classrooms for All Students
  8. Personal Agency - Teaching Self-Determined Learners
  9. Putting It All Together - Supports Planning with Students

References 199

Appendix A Educator Generated SIS-C Supports Needs Report 215

Index 235

"This is the book on inclusive education. . . ideal for training inclusive educators or for general and special education teachers who aspire to include all students."
- Kathleen Mortier, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, San Francisco State University, Extensive Support Needs Program

"This book is a must-read for special educators who want to improve the academic success of students with disabilities. I am anxious to see what these inspired special educators will be able to accomplish and, even more so, the students with disabilities they will reach."
- Colleen A. Thoma, Professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education, Virginia Commonwealth University

"If you want to be a great teacher of students with disabilities, first, you need to forget what you have been taught. No, it’s not impossible. No, you don’t need a bottomless budget, a bigger staff, or a different credential. You do need to understand how to solve the problems that a disabled student faces every day. Here is a strong framework to support your inclusive problem-solving. This book is educator empowerment."
- Sue Swenson, President, Inclusion International

"This is the book on inclusive education. . . ideal for training inclusive educators or for general and special education teachers who aspire to include all students."
- Kathleen Mortier, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, San Francisco State University, Extensive Support Needs Program

"This book is a must-read for special educators who want to improve the academic success of students with disabilities. I am anxious to see what these inspired special educators will be able to accomplish and, even more so, the students with disabilities they will reach."
- Colleen A. Thoma, Professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education, Virginia Commonwealth University