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Positive Behaviour and Self Esteem in Secondary Schools

$51.77  Spiral Bound
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Jenny Mosley

  • Positive Behaviour and Self Esteem in Secondary Schools

112 pages
Interest Age: 12 to 18
ISBN: 9781907370182

Leading expert on Circle Time, Jenny Mosley, has thoroughly revised her classic book on how to promote positive behaviour and self-esteem in secondary schools through the use of Circle Time. It not only provides an introduction to running Circle Time in secondary schools – it also links Circle Time to SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning).

The implementation of Jenny’s ‘Whole School Quality Circle Time Model’ leads to:

  • Positive relationships throughout school
  • Personal, moral and social development in all students
  • Sound self-esteem in all members of the school community
  • Respectful and democratic school systems
  • Reduction in bullying
  • Positive behaviour management
  • Democratic listening systems which develop a sense of citizenship.

The book includes suggestions for 20-minute circle time sessions linked to the SEAL themes: ideal for personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) sessions but also for use during any subject lesson.

The teachers are not forgotten as Jenny has included a section on staff well-being and suggestions on how to raise energy levels, and how to keep their own sense of self-esteem buoyant.