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Preschool Evaluation Scale Complete Kit: Second Edition (PES-2)

$430.86  Kit
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Stephen B McCarney, Tamara J Athaud

  • Preschool Evaluation Scale Complete Kit

Interest Age: 0.1 to 6

The Pre-school Evaluation Scale-Second Edition (PES-2) was developed to provide educators, diagnosticians, paediatricians, and psychologists with a measure of child development from 0 through 72 months of age. The PES-2 may be used to contribute to the early identification of students with developmental delays for the purpose of implementing an intervention plan for remediation. The PES-2 is based on the most commonly recognised domains of child development identified in the federal definition of developmental delays (PL 99-457). Each sub scale is associated with one of the developmental domains: Large Muscle Skills, Small Muscle Skills, Cognitive Thinking, Expressive Language Skills, Social/Emotional, and Self-Help Skills.

Internal consistency, test-retest, and inter-rater reliability; item analysis; and content, criterion-related, diagnostic, and construct validity are documented and reported for the scale.

The PES-2 is completed by a child-care professional in the child’s home or while other screening activities are taking place. The PES-2 can be completed without requiring additional time on the part of screening or diagnostic personnel. For early and efficiently gained developmental information, the PES-2 is a must for all pre-school screening. Converting raw scores to standard scores is a clerical activity and involves no more than a few minutes per sub scale.

Characteristics and Components of the PES-2:

  • The PES-2 is based on the federal definition of developmental delays (PL 99-457).
  • The PES-2 School Version was standardised on a total of 1,608 children.
  • The PES Home Version was standardised on a total of 979 children.
  • The PES-2 SV standardisation population included children from 22 states and represented all geographic regions of the United States.
  • The PES-2 HV standardisation population included children from 18 states and represented all geographic regions of the United States.
  • The PES-2 School and Home Versions provides separate norms for male and female children 0-35 months of age and 36-72 months of age.
  • The PES-2: 0-35 Months School and Home Versions can be completed in approximately 20 minutes and include 94 items easily observed and documented by educational personnel and parents/guardians.
  • The PES-2: 36-72 Months School and Home Versions can be completed in approximately 20 minutes and include 85 items easily observed and documented by educational personnel and parents/guardians.
  • The PES-2 Quick Score computer program converts raw scores to standard and percentile scores and makes the scoring of both the School and Home Version rating forms efficient and convenient.

Table of Contents

PES-2 School Version Technical Manual

PES-2 School Version 0-35 Rating Forms(50)

PES-2 School Version 36-72 Rating Forms (50)

Preschool Developmental Guide

PES-2 Home Version Technical Manual

PES-2 Home Version 0-35 Rating Forms (50)

PES-2 Home Version 36-72 Rating Forms (50)

Item MediaPrice
img_3018Preschool Evaluation Scale Complete Kit
Second Edition (PES-2)
img_1003478Preschool Developmental Guide
Goals, Objectives and Intervention Strategies, 0-72 Months
Preschool Evaluation Scale School Version Technical Man
Preschool Evaluation School Version 0-35 Rating Forms
pack of 50
Preschool Evaluation School Version 36-72 Rating Forms
pack of 50
Preschool Evaluation Scale Home Version Technical Manua
Preschool Evaluation Home Version 0-35 Rating Forms
pack of 50
Preschool Evaluation Home Version 36-72 Rating Forms
pack of 50