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Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families: A Model Of Individualized Positive Behavior Support For Home And Community

$89.08  Paperback
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Glen Dunlap, Lise K Fox, Janice K Lee, Phillip S Strain, Christopher Vatland, Jaclyn D Joseph

  • Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families

240 pages
Interest Age: 2 to 10
ISBN: 9781598579789

The popular, research-based Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) model is used in schools and childcare settings to address challenging behaviours in children with and without disabilities. Now, with the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families (PTR-F) model in this accessible guidebook, you can use this proven approach with families to help them resolve their child's challenging behaviour in their own homes and communities.

Developed by top behaviour experts, PTR-F is a highly effective intervention model that helps families prevent behaviour problems in children ages 2–10, teach proactive communication and social skills, and reinforce positive behaviour. In this expertly organised book, you'll discover how to take on the role of PTR-F facilitator to meet each family's unique needs, and you'll get a clear 5-step process for guiding families as they promote their child's positive behaviour (see below). With this comprehensive, adaptable model of behaviour support, you'll strengthen family engagement, set each child on the path to healthy social-emotional development, and improve quality of life for the entire family.

Help Families with the 5-Step PTR-F Process:

  1. Initiating the process. Establish a partnership with the family, and then work together to set individualised goals and develop a vision for the child's future.
  2. Assessment. Guide the family through the steps of functional behavioural assessment (FBA) to uncover the triggers and functions behind the child's behaviour.
  3. Intervention. Using results of the FBA, help the family choose from a menu of intervention options to build a behaviour support plan that meets their specific needs.
  4. Coaching. Conduct meetings with the family, acting as cheerleader and coach and guiding the family to implement the behaviour support plan with fidelity in home and community settings.
  5. Monitoring. Review behavioural data with the family to monitor how well the plan is being implemented and whether the child is making progress.

This resource includes practical, printable forms (including a Behaviour Rating Scale for data collection, Assessment Checklists, Behaviour Support Plan Summary, Fidelity of Strategy Implementation Form, and complete PTR-F Plan Implementation Guide), plus extended case examples that walk you through the PTR-F steps and bring the process to life.

Table of Contents

About the Forms

About the Authors

Foreword Ann Turnbull


  1. Introduction to Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families (PTR-F)
  2. How to Work with Families

- Appendix: Case Examples

  1. Initiating the PTR-F Process

- Appendix: Case Examples

  1. PTR-F Assessment (Functional Behavioral Assessment)

- Appendix: Case Examples

  1. PTR-F Intervention

- Appendix: Case Examples

  1. Coaching the Family to Implement Plans with Fidelity

- Appendix: Case Examples

  1. Using Data and Next Steps

- Appendix: Case Examples


Intervention Guide


"Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Families provides a much-needed manual version of individualized, positive behavior support (PBS) with families of children with challenging behavior. The authors have synthesized features of a PBS approach into a highly practical, family-centered and family-friendly model that is deeply respectful to children and families, firmly grounded in evidence-based practice, carefully illustrated with case studies, and imminently doable by practitioners in family support agencies. Professionals who aim to empower families to improve child behavior and development in family life will find this book an invaluable aid."
- Joseph Lucyshyn, Associate Professor, Department of Educational and Counseling, Psychology and Special Education, University of British Columbia

"This practical, logical, and doable method for families takes the guesswork out of achieving meaningful changes in children's challenging behaviors."
- Stephan Viehweg, Associate Director, Riley Child Development Center, IU School of Medicine, Co-author of Tackling the Tough Stuff

"An exceptional and must-have resource for those supporting families of children with serious challenging behaviors that includes step-by-step guidance for implementing the PTR-F model. The authors have masterfully combined family-centered principles and practices with evidence-based strategies from applied behavior analysis (ABA) and positive behavior support (PBS) to create the PTR-F model."
- Patricia Snyder, Professor, David Lawrence Jr. Endowed Chair, and Director of the Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies, University of Florida

"Anyone who supports families will quickly discover the many applied uses for this book. This resource excels because of an emphasis on specially-designed evidence-based practices, family centered implementation, preventive behavioral sciences, and consideration of individual family strengths and challenges. With this book, moving from words-to-practice is facilitated by clear descriptions, operationalized implementation steps, facilitating self-assessments, and a full range of examples and illustrations to achieve high contextual fit. I know so many families and children who will benefit from use of the PTR-F contents and approach."
- George Sugai, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut

"The authors of Prevent-Teach-Reinforce rank among the most highly respected early childhood professionals today. This book will be a wonderful resource for families and community members working with young children. I highly recommend it as a compendium of effective strategies."
- Hill Walker, College of Education, University of Oregon