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seriously fun maths

Seriously Fun Maths


Turn maths teaching into something fascinating, intriguing and something that touches e...




Blackline masters which introduce & develop skills necessary during early school years.

solve it! teaching mathematical word problem solving to students with autism spectrum disorder

Solve It! Teaching Mathematical Word Problem Solving to S...


Field-tested instructional accommodations & techniques that support students with ASD.

special education resources for teachers, maths

Special Education Resources for Teachers, Maths


This substantial volume has over 200 pages of fully photocopiable material.

subtraction within ten

Subtraction within Ten


Blackline masters which introduces subtraction and develop skills necessary during earl...

the survival guide for money smarts

The Survival Guide for Money Smarts


Introduces the basics of financial literacy & money management for kids from earning & ...


Our range of maths resources are not regular curriculum resources, but rather a carefully selected range of support resources primarily focussed on helping develop numeracy and basic maths skills in students with dyscalculia, general learning difficulties or special needs. The range also includes diagnostic testing tools and resources which can be used to help any student who is struggling with maths at school.

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