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Problem-Solving Language

# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All

webber big box of what’s wrong with this picture? scenes

Webber BIG Box of What’s Wrong with This Picture? Scenes


Develop receptive and expressive language skills. Students circle and then explain what...

webber inferencing big deck 2

Webber Inferencing BIG Deck 2


This deck has 100 large photo cards each with six follow-up questions to help children ...

what's being said? fun deck

What's Being Said? Fun Deck


This flexible Fun Deck will help stimulate your students' expressive language and probl...

what's wrong with this photo?

What's Wrong with This Photo?


Practice identifying absurdities, problem solving & storytelling with 56 funny photo ca...

which one doesn't belong, why, double dice add-on deck with dice

Which One Doesn't Belong, Why, Double Dice Add-On Deck wi...


Work on: categorising skills, classifying skills, reasoning skills, comparing/contrasti...

which one doesn't belong, why, double dice deck

Which One Doesn't Belong, Why, Double Dice Deck


Perfect for students working on: categorizational skills, classifying skills, reasoning...

which one doesn't belong? why?

Which One Doesn't Belong? Why?


These incredible cards focus on common early categorical targets. Great photographs and...