This thought-provoking series introduces readers to the possibility of other life in ou...
Where do dragons live? What do orcs eat? How do gnomes spend their free time? Hi/Lo rea...
Fascinating series takes a very simple look at animal classifications, with each book a...
Four fun kids find themselves in the middle of a mystery on every school field trip the...
These 4 hi-lo books are a compelling mix of horror and science fiction, sure to keep re...
Max demonstrates & explains science in ways never before seen in the classroom. Graphic...
Blazers Horsepower is a high-octane thrill ride with some of the world's most powerful ...
These 4 hi-lo books are a compelling mix of horror and science fiction, sure to keep re...
World changing events unfold before your eyes in these amazing tales of inventions and ...
Teach science with zombies, werewolves & vampires. Engaging, hilarious & fact-filled wi...
Readers will learn about these real-life dragons that live only in a few places on Eart...
This spooky series features one real-life ghost story per book, written in a can't-put-...
Are you an information expert? Do you like totally random facts? Then crack open these ...
Where do dragons live? What do orcs eat? How do gnomes spend their free time? Hi/Lo rea...