These cards introduce the 26 a-z letter cards that link with the storybook, Milo's Birt...
takes children on a journey through the letters of the alphabet, highlighting the sound...
Spell and read more than 200 words together with these flip-over alphabet cards. Also i...
8 boards with four pictures of consonant, vowel, consonant words. There are 32 word car...
Provides activities for handwriting, phonemic awareness, reading and spelling. There is...
Evidence-based literacy research stresses the importance of explicit and sequential literacy teaching from the beginning. Little Learners Love Literacy's goal is to have this happening in every Foundation classroom from Day 1, giving children the best possible chance of being fluent readers, writers and spellers.
It also makes it clear that the most effective way of teaching reading is to include 5 key components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency practice, vocabulary and comprehension. Little Learners Love Literacy® has been developed to do this in a simple, sequential, explicit, effective and engaging way.