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Ransom Publishing

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boffin boy complete pack

Boffin Boy Complete Pack


Fantastic series for getting the most reluctant or boy readers enjoying a book & make p...

boffin boy set 1

Boffin Boy Set 1


First six reading books in this bestselling 'manga' comic-style series, designed to par...

boffin boy set 2

Boffin Boy Set 2


Fantastic series for getting even the most reluctant or boy readers enjoying a book & m...

boffin boy set 3

Boffin Boy Set 3


Comic-style set of 6 readers, designed to particularly appeal to boys struggling with r...

breakouts complete pack

Breakouts Complete Pack


For readers who have gained a bit more confidence & want a more challenging read, but w...

Ransom Publishing

Ransom is known best for their programme of books for reluctant and struggling readers, which are both valued and loved by teachers, parents and librarians. But more importantly the books work for reluctant readers, some of whom have never finished a book before, let alone enjoyed the experience of reading.

Many of the books published by Ransom are high-low, which means that the content is appropriate to the actual age of readers but the text has been written to work for a lower reading age. Ransom offers the widest range of titles with low RA (Reading Age) but high IA (interest age) of any UK publisher, and they specialise in books for teens and older readers with very low reading ages.

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