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Puffed Out: The Three Little Pigs' Guide To A Growth Mindset

$36.35  Paperback
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Will Hussey, Barry Hymer

  • Puffed Out

168 pages
Interest Age: 7 to 13
ISBN: 9781785831171

We've all heard about the importance of encouraging growth mindsets in our learners. Schools increasingly value grit, determination, resilience and adaptability as being key to deep learning. But how do you put these values into practice?

Puffed Out is a comprehensive catalyst for cultivating a growth mindset. This innovative new book is crammed full of activities and challenges designed to bring out the very best in pupils and teachers. The book takes the familiar story of the Three Little Pigs and encourages learners to think about it in a radically different, creative way. Diverse open-ended questions require children to engage and immerse themselves in the different tasks, developing the confidence and independence to pursue their own ideas and opinions, thinking creatively and cultivating original and innovative responses. For example:

  • Why did the pigs opt to build the properties themselves? Most prospective homeowners opt to buy or rent new accommodation, leaving the construction work to the experts.
  • What credentials did the pigs possess for construction work?' Do you think the pigs saved money by undertaking the work themselves?
  • Would the pigs have been able to secure a mortgage enabling them to buy a home? How else could they finance the cost?

The challenges promote meaningful co-operation and collaboration as children try to make sense of the questions and embrace the process of thinking and doing.

The book is packed with questions, challenges, thinking exercises and word play: all designed to encourage learners to stretch their thinking and engage in learning. By encouraging children to respond as they see fit, cultivating intrinsic motivation and a love of learning, students develop key skills transferable to wider areas of the curriculum, and life.

Suitable for primary and lower secondary teachers.