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Question Quest: A Game for Improving Children's Understanding and Use of Question Forms

$63.59  Game
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Amy J Strommer

  • Question Quest

Children who have language impairments often experience difficulty asking and answering questions. The ability to comprehend and formulate questions is important for effective communication in school and at home.

Question Quest, a language game and activity kit, is designed to provide children with opportunities to answer and ask wh-questions in a variety of contexts. The activities are appropriate for children aged 5 to 10 who need to improve their functional use of wh-question forms.

The Question Quest kit includes a full-colour gameboard, 80 question cards, gameboard markers and an activity manual. The activity manual includes a collection of wh-questions, reproducible worksheets and other materials designed to complement the language skills presented in the Question Quest game.

Question cards are grouped into categories, home questions, school questions, amusement park questions, and mystery questions. Students also practice asking and answering questions after listening to short stories. The stories on the Question Quest cards cover topics and events that are familiar to many children, such as the first day of school, chores around the house, a school field trip, etc.