20 Information Reports and Follow-up Activities
By sheer force of numbers, insects make up the bulk of living things on our planet. From the mayfly with a 24 hour lifespan, to the dung beetle with a very dubious food source, insects and their intricate behaviours and lifestyles fascinate. Great examples of the INFORMATION REPORT genre.
SET 1: Sea Insects - Instructional Reading Age 7-8 years
1:1 The World of Insects - Overview
1:2 Inter-tidal Rove Beetles
1:3 Marine Midges
1:4 Ocean Striders
SET 2: African Insects - Instructional Reading Age 8-9 years
2:1 The World of Insects - Overview
2:2 African Dung Beetle
2:3 Termites
2:4 Tsetse Fly
SET 3: Australian Insects - Instructional Reading Age 9-10 years
3:1 The World of Insects - Overview
3:2 Australian Stingless Bee
3:3 Giant Prickly Stick Insect
3:4 Witchetty Grub
SET 4: North American - Instructional Reading Age 10-12 years
4:1 The World of Insects - Overview
4:2 The Bald-faced Hornet
4:3 Bedbugs
4:4 Mayflies
SET 5: Amazon Insects - Instructional Reading Age 12-14+ years
5:1 The World of Insects - Overview
5:2 Leaf Cutter Ant
5:3 Blue Morpho Butterfly
5:4 Titan Beetle
SharpReading ONLiNE - A Framework for Whole School Reading Instruction
Learning Outcomes in Reading, Science, Writing
Follow-Up Activities - Connections to Bloom's Taxonomy
Activity Exemplars for Modelling