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Regular Verbs Double Dice Deck

RRP - $30.45   Our Price - $29.95  Cards
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Rachele Ellsworth

  • Regular Verbs Double Dice Deck

54 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 12

Regular Verbs Double Dice Add On Deck provides a motivating way for speech-language pathologists to target various verb tenses in therapy. It targets verbs in the following forms:

  • Present progressive
  • Present tense
  • Future tense
  • Past tense (Regular Form)

Each card contains a photograph depicting an action, the name of the action, and four (4) fill-in-the-blank style sentences that need to be completed using the target verb. The cards are further divided by how the regular past tense endings are pronounced: /t/, /ed/, /d/. This allows therapy to be customized to the specific errors being produced.

Here is how it works:

  1. A student rolls the double dice and it lands on a shape.
  2. The student turns over the card with the corresponding shape.
  3. The student completes the sentence that corresponds to the number indicated on the inner die with the correct verb tense.

This is an Add-On deck so it includes:

  • Fifty-four (54) total playing cards (cards are large 3″ x 5″).
  • Each card contains a photograph and four (4) fill-in the blank statements.
  • Content, direction, and game variation cards.
  • A storage tin.

The double dice is NOT included in the Add-On decks, but it may be purchased separately.