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2nd Edition

Remote Learning: Engaging in K-12 Literacy Instruction

$77.26  Softcover
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Paula Saine

  • Remote Learning

176 pages
ISBN: 9781475861143

Remote Learning: Engaging in K-12 Literacy Instruction is about teacher candidates engaging K-12 students in remote literacy instruction during their teacher preparation programs.

This book includes new case studies for tutoring diverse students remotely with diverse literacy learning needs that ranges from English Language Learners to students with special needs. It also includes remote teaching in diverse settings such as, intervention programs, virtual and private schools, and so forth.

Many more web meeting tools such as, Adobe Connect, Zoom, Google Classroom made it possible for synchronous tutoring. And be sure to check out the wide range of digital resources that supported K-12 remote literacy instruction. The digital tools included CommonLit, IXL, RoomRecess, ABC Mouse, and more!

Table of Contents


Part I: Planning

Chapter 1: What Is a Remote Tutor?

Chapter 2: Selecting Online Materials

Part II: Remote Engagement of Instructional Practices

Chapter 3: Teaching Phonics and Vocabulary Development

Chapter 4: Developing Reading Fluency Instruction

Chapter 5: Promoting Reading Comprehension

Chapter 6: Making a Cyber-Literacy Connection

Chapter 7: Fostering Authentic Writing

Part III: Reflections of Remote Experiences

Chapter 8: Voices of Remote Tutors and Tutees

Appendix A: Online Resources

Appendix B: Lesson Reflection Prompts

Appendix C: Remote Teaching Survey

About the Author


"Saine’s accessible collection of research-based practices, digital tools, and authentic case-based reflections is a one-stop resource for teacher educators striving to build teachers’ self-efficacy in providing one-to-one literacy instruction in remote environments. Each chapter expertly weaves strategies for working with teacher candidates alongside ideas for planning and implementing remote instruction to support skill development in phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing. Authentic first-person stories of pre-service teachers in action offer readers candid reflections about promising practices as well as suggestions for the future."
- Julie Coiro, PhD, Professor, School of Education, University of Rhode Island

"This book translates principles of effective literacy instruction to synchronous virtual environments through use of online pedagogies and digital resources suitable for a wide range of diverse learners. including English Language Learners and those with exceptional learning needs. Concrete examples, case studies, and clear explanations of the core dimensions of reading and writing bring this book to life, making it an accessible, and highly useful resource for preservice and in-service teachers, as well as teacher educators and professional development facilitators."
- Susan Watts-Taffe, PhD, Associate Professor, literacy & second language studies