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Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools: Interdisciplinary perspectives on whole school approaches to managing relationships

$65.45  Paperback
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Edward Sellman, Hilary Cremin, Gillean McCluskey

  • Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools

274 pages
ISBN: 9780415656115

Drawing on recent international developments in criminal justice, Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools highlights the long-term ineffectiveness of punitive models of discipline in education contexts and examines an alternative approach, underpinned by the principles of restorative justice. This approach provides an opportunity for adults and young people to engage with a range of processes such as group conferencing and peer mediation, whereby:

  • conflict and harm are confronted and repaired;
  • a future rather than past orientation is developed;
  • relationships are built upon the values and attitudes of respect, inclusion and equality;
  • pupils learn interpersonal and problem solving skills as well as social responsibility;
  • staff develop skills and confidence in working restoratively;
  • the risk of future/repeat problems is minimised; and
  • a positive school ethos is developed.

These approaches have proven to be highly effective in criminal justice systems around the world, and are beginning to be applied more widely in educational contexts. This edited volume draws together for the first time contributions from an interdisciplinary field of international experts and practitioners on the subject, and offers both critique and guidance in order that the implementation of restorative approaches in schools may be undertaken thoughtfully and sustainably. This exciting new text will be a key reference book for locating contemporary, international and interdisciplinary debate in the field.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements Foreword

  1. Contextual, Contested and Catalytic: A Thematic Introduction to the Potential of Restorative Approaches in Schools Edward Sellman, Hilary Cremin & Gillean McCluskey

Part 1: Contextualised

  1. Restorative Justice: An International Perspective Lucio Sia, UNESCO, Paris, France
  2. The Journey from Criminal Justice to Education: Utilising Restorative Justice Practices in Schools in New Zealand Judge David Carruthers, Chair of the New Zealand Parole Board
  3. Restorative Justice as World View Dan Van Ness, Prison Fellowship International, Washington, US
  4. Restorative Practices in New Zealand Schools: A Developmental Approach Wendy Drewery, Department of Human Development and Counselling, Waikato University, New Zealand
  5. Merging Past and Present? Conflict Resolution in South African Township Schools: An Ubuntu–Restorative Approach Mirriam Lephalala, College of Education, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa
  6. A Restorative Challenge: Can Citizenship Trump Identity in Northern Ireland? Derek Wilson, Institute for Research in Social Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland
  7. Restorative Approaches in School: A Psychological Perspective Helen Cowie, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, England
  8. Reflections on Researching Restorative Approaches in Schools and Children’s Residential Care Carol Hayden, Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth, England

Part 2: Contested

  1. Restoration, Transformation or Education? A Philosophical Critique of Restorative Approaches in Schools James MacAllistair, School of Education, University of Stirling, Scotland
  2. Critical Perspectives on Restorative Justice / Restorative Approaches in Educational Settings Hilary Cremin, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, England
  3. Beyond the Bad Apple: Analytical and Theoretical Perspectives on the Development of Restorative Approaches in Schools Brenda Morrison, School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
  4. Challenges to Education: Restorative Practice as a Radical Demand on Conservative Structures of Schooling Gillean McCluskey, Institute of Education, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
  5. Effective Evaluation of Restorative Approaches Gillean McCluskey, Jean Kane, Gwynedd Lloyd, Sheila Riddell, Joan Stead and Elisabet Weedon, Institute of Education, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Part 3: Catalytic?

  1. Restorative Approaches in Schools: Necessary Roles of Cooperative Learning and Constructive Conflict David W. Johnson and Roger T. Johnson, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, US
  2. Peacebuilding through Circle Dialogue Processes in Primary Classrooms: Locations for Restorative and Educative Work Kathy Bickmore, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada
  3. Challenging the Punitive Turn in Youth Justice through Restorative Approaches in Schools? Natasha Du Rose & Layla Skinns, Universities of Northampton and Sheffield, England
  4. Creating the Restorative School Part 1: Seeding Restorative Approaches in Minnesota Nancy Riestenberg, Minnesota Department of Education, US
  5. Creating the Restorative School Part 2: The Impact of Restorative Approaches on Roles, Power and Language Edward Sellman, School of Education, University of Nottingham, England
  6. Creating the Restorative School Part 3: Rethinking Neutrality and Hierarchy Shelagh McCall, Scottish Human Rights Commission
  7. Who misses out? - Inclusive Strategies for Students with Communicational Difficulties Mary Meredith, Deputy Headteacher, Nottingham High School & Edward Sellman, School of Education, University of Nottingham, England
  8. Speaking the Restorative Language Richard Hendry, Belinda Hopkins & Brian Steele, Restorative Practitioners, England & Scotland