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RTI Applications, Volume 2: Assessment, Analysis, and Decision Making

$89.08  Paperback
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T Chris Riley-Tillman, Matthew K Burns, Kimberly Gibbons

  • RTI Applications, Volume 2

164 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781462509140

Once a response-to-intervention (RTI) framework is in place, how can educators determine whether or not interventions are working? This volume focuses on the "response" component of RTI, providing crucial knowledge and hands-on techniques for assessing the effectiveness of RTI practices in grades K–12. The authors show how to select suitable assessment measures, analyse data about academic and behavioural interventions, and make defensible decisions about groups, individual students, and special education eligibility. Professional development strategies are also addressed. Useful reproducible tools are included; the large-size format and lay-flat binding facilitate photocopying. Purchasers also get access to a companion Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.

This book will be useful to school psychologists and counsellors, RTI co-ordinators, administrators, behaviour specialists, special educators, and general education teachers in grades K–12.

Table of Contents

  1. Advanced Response-to-Intervention Applications: Intervention Selection and Implementation
  2. School-Based Assessment
  3. Assessment for Problem Solving
  4. Evaluating Interventions: Applied Single-Case Design
  5. Evaluating Interventions: Analysis of Intervention Data
  6. Decisions about Groups
  7. Decisions about Individual Students
  8. Special Education Eligibility
  9. Conclusion

"This is an outstanding guide to all aspects of academic and behavioral data-based decision making within an RTI framework, complete with case examples, handouts, and detailed instructions. Filling a critical role, the book addresses the 'how-tos' of assessment, problem solving, and evaluation. It is a 'must have' for practitioners."
- Robin S. Codding, PhD, Department of Counseling and School Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston

"The need for formative data to support high-stakes decisions is critical. This volume provides an excellent, step-by-step description of how to assess responsiveness to interventions in real-world schools. It contains useful reproducible forms, tools, and checklists, as well as model graphs used in progress monitoring/decision making. This book should be used in every school psychology training program and should be available to everyone who consults with schools in the area of RTI."
- R. Michael Weger, Director, Black Hawk Area Special Education District, East Moline, Illinois