Thomas Webber, Molly DeShong, Amy Parks
Learning present and past tense verb forms is an essential language skill. This "action-packed" Verbs Bingo set gives you numerous and innovative ways to help students master both present and past tense verbs. Great for 1 to 6 players! Teach 96 present tense verbs! Each present tense verb has a riddle calling card that adds to the fun—"In a boat, you can go, when you use the oars to _______." Help students learn 48 regular past tense verbs (add "d" or "ed")! These calling cards introduce the present tense verb, and then present a past tense verb-sentence—"Today I wash the dishes. Yesterday, I _____ the dishes." Teach 48 irregular past tense verbs—"Today, we ride our bikes. Yesterday, we _______ our bikes." Once your students learn these verb forms, give them a real challenge with the past tense combo boards, which mix together regular and irregular past tense verbs.
Use all the calling cards to make great card games (even without the boards)!
Verbs Bingo includes: