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Say and Do Grammar Game Boards Reproducible Fun Sheets

RRP - $51.82   Our Price - $45.41  Softcover
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Joanne DeNinno, Kim A Gill

  • Say and Do Grammar Game Boards Reproducible Fun Sheets

224 pages
Interest Age: 3 to 11
ISBN: 9781586502225

Help children enjoy learning correct grammar. Designed to accompany the Say and Do® Grammar board games, this reproducible book targets 12 areas of grammar with 17 activities for each game (activities 1-10 include words from the game board, Activities 11-17 target the same grammatical structure with new words). Designed for individuals & groups. Includes: fun games, coloring, listening activities, cut & paste pages, sorting tasks, crosswords & word searches; reproducible sheets for minimal preparation; parent/helper letter (send Fun Sheets home for practice).