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2nd Edition

Secret Boys' Business

$15.41  Paperback
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Fay Angelo, Heather Anderson, Rose Stewart Australian author

  • Secret Boys' Business

ISBN: 9780975011362

Secret Boys’ Business® is a puberty book and sexuality education resource.

This puberty book includes information about the physical and emotional changes experienced at this time. It gives boys a greater understanding and deeper knowledge about puberty and sexuality. Information is presented in a sensitive but open manner. This puberty resource has simple language and fun illustrations which boys enjoy.

Secret Boys’ Business®:

  • Provides boys with a full understanding of the physical and emotional changes experienced at puberty.
  • Dispels myths and fears by presenting accurate information in a colourful, friendly format.
  • Celebrates body changes.
  • Enhances confidence and self-esteem.
  • Acknowledges and affirms the development of sexual feelings.
  • Provides information about protective behaviours.
  • Encourages thoughtful open discussion about sensitive issues.
  • Provides hints for parents, teachers and carers.

Secret Boys’ Business® is a valuable puberty resource which can be used by boys, families, schools and community groups. It is an informative sexuality education resource for use in school sex education programs.

Secret Boys’ Business® can be used as a disability puberty book for some boys and young men with special needs.

As part of a girls’ sexuality education, Secret Boys’ Business® is a valuable puberty resource to help girls understand the changes boys experience at puberty.

"Secret Boys’ Business® is a fabulous book that should be left in the bedroom of every boy who is going through puberty. Boys generally don’t travel too well through this period of transition. This book gives boys that reassurance as well as the facts they should know presented in a fun, no holds-barred way. Great tips for parents and teachers too."
- Michael Grose, Parenting educator, author of seven books for parents and director of Parenting Ideas