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Self-Harm and Self-Injury: When Emotional Pain Becomes Physical: 15-Minute Focus: Brief Counseling Techniques that Work

RRP - $27.23   Our Price - $25.41  Paperback
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Leigh Bagwell

  • Self-Harm and Self-Injury: When Emotional Pain Becomes Physical

96 pages
Interest Age: 5 to 18
ISBN: 9781953945440

In 15-Minute Focus: Self-Harm and Self-Injury: When Emotional Pain Becomes Physical, author Leigh Bagwell offers an in-depth look at the who, what, and why of self-harm; more accurately called nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI). Students today face stressors on an unprecedented scale. From unstable world events to unsteady family situations, the external and internal pressures they experience can become overwhelming, and some turn to self-harm (NSSI) as a means to cope. On the outside, such behaviour confuses and disturbs many people, even the teachers and parents who are closest to students. This book provides the research and perspective adults need to help kids who turn to NSSI as a means of dealing with their distress. In this book, you'll discover:

  • Types of NSSI behaviour, including cutting, biting, hair pulling, and bruising
  • The relationship between self-harm (NSSI) and suicidal ideation
  • Signs and symptoms of NSSI beyond wounds and scars
  • Myths and truths about NSSI
  • Protocols for schools to follow when NSSI is suspected
  • How parents and schools can partner to help students in need

This book features stories from students as they explain NSSI from their experiences, giving adults an inside look into the lives of those who struggle with this behaviour. Also included are online resources that counsellors and teachers can utilise, including infographics, NSSI assessments, and calming behaviours for use in place of self-harm.

"This book is a great resource for social workers and counsellors, teachers, admin, and parents. It covers many areas important to this topic including what it is, common myths, who is at risk, replacement strategies, what teachers and admin can do, a school protocol flowchart, and so much more. I really like the language used in this book and how the information is represented. It makes explaining what to do, what to look at for, and what is and isn't self-harm, easy to relay. Especially to those who don't know a lot about it, or who work closely with the student."
- Kylie Parpart, Social Worker

"Parents of teens, you should read this! There are SO many reasons that individuals turn to self-harm. Some are easier to understand that others. Stress is a perception, and we all feel it (and react) differently. This book helps you navigate how to help those you love and care about as they navigate self-harm and potentially self-injury. These tools help you learn how to separate self-harm from suicidal ideation. The language is gentle and easy to comprehend. If more parents used this book it may be easier to support a teen who struggles with self-harm."
- Stephanie Heitkemper