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Communicate With Confidence Series

decibella and her 6-inch voice

Decibella and Her 6-Inch Voice


A humorous tale to show children how and when to use a softer, quieter voice by introdu...

gas happens! what to do when it happens to you

Gas Happens! What to Do When It Happens to You


A humorous story that will have children laughing while learning what to do, what to sa...

the technology tail

The Technology Tail


A timeless message to a new generation just learning how to navigate the fast-changing ...

well, i can top that!

Well, I Can Top That!


Show how receiving attention for the right things & letting others have a chance in the...

Communicate with Confidence Series

Words of wisdom for the loudmouths and the bigmouths!

Being a braggart (bigmouth), a screamer (loudmouth) or a social media meanie isn’t a good look for anyone. These storybooks teach young readers everything from knowing how to be responsible, respectful users of social networking sites to understanding what volume of voice is appropriate in the classroom, on the playground and all places in between.

Communicate with Confidence serves up fun, engaging stories with life lessons that transcend the classroom.