Use as a companion to the HearBuilder Sequencing software or by itself to teach student...
Use this multiple meaning card deck to increase students vocabulary.
Help children learn to distinguish between 85 homophones: words that sound the same but...
56 entertainingly illustrated cards to help students discuss and write about their feel...
Motivate your students to develop their reasoning, problem-solving, and sequencing skil...
Super Duper Fun Decks provide quick, easy and fun activities for therapists, teachers and parents to use with kids when practising a huge range of language, speech and developmental skills.
Most Fun Decks come in playing card sized tins and typically contain 50+ lively colour illustrated laminated cards with word or visual prompts. Classrooms and speech therapy clinics will want a range of these handy tins and they are also small enough to carry several in your bag between clients.
The larger fun decks, provide bigger pictures and more in-depth coverage of critical topics like social inferencing, sentence construction, fine motor skills, etc.