A selection of language practice fun decks - quick, easy and fun activities for therapi...
Challenge students to name items that belong to a specific category based on attributes...
It's time to look into the future and talk about what will happen… once the elephant...
The mother hen took good care of her baby octopus. WHAT?! That's absurd!! Teach your st...
Improve critical thinking, auditory comprehension & inferencing with this 56-card illus...
Super Duper Fun Decks provide quick, easy and fun activities for therapists, teachers and parents to use with kids when practising a huge range of language, speech and developmental skills.
Most Fun Decks come in playing card sized tins and typically contain 50+ lively colour illustrated laminated cards with word or visual prompts. Classrooms and speech therapy clinics will want a range of these handy tins and they are also small enough to carry several in your bag between clients.
The larger fun decks, provide bigger pictures and more in-depth coverage of critical topics like social inferencing, sentence construction, fine motor skills, etc.