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Safe And Civil Schools Series




An authoritative guide to classroom management, the CHAMPs book will systematically gui...

champs teacher planner

CHAMPS Teacher Planner


A practical, easy-to-use lesson planner that helps teachers stay on track with CHAMPS, ...

coaching champs

Coaching CHAMPS


Build a schoolwide program to implement proven, research-based classroom management pra...

discipline in the secondary classroom

Discipline in the Secondary Classroom


Improve student behaviour and motivation with this comprehensive, indispensable resourc...

early-stage interventions

Early-Stage Interventions


Simple, teacher-friendly interventions to address an individual student’s chronic mis...



A six-module DVD program designed to guide school staff through the process of writing ...




Plan & implement evidence-based, tiered strategies to increase motivation & improve beh...

leadership in behavior support

Leadership in Behavior Support


Sustain a safe, productive school environment that fosters growth, encourages responsib...

meaningful work

Meaningful Work


This positive behaviour support helps students with a history of misbehaviour & school ...




A resource book for non-certified staff, providing information and training to effectiv...

smart kids



A curriculum for educators to help young children learn the skills they need to succeed...

start on time!

START on Time!


a comprehensive multimedia program to guide your school through the process of designin...

structuring success for substitutes

Structuring Success for Substitutes


A companion to Stepping In that helps administrators and teachers support substitutes i...

the teacher's encyclopedia of behavior management

The Teacher's Encyclopedia of Behavior Management


A comprehensive resource to help teachers & school counsellors improve student behaviou...

foundations module a

Foundations Module A


Provides guidance on setting up a leadership team, involving the entire faculty, collec...

foundations module b

Foundations Module B


Delineates processes for ensuring that cafeteria, hallway, etc. and policies like dress...

foundations module c

Foundations Module C


Guides the entire staff in creating and sustaining a school environment that makes all ...

foundations module d

Foundations Module D


Focuses on the vital importance of an instructional approach to correction in reducing ...

foundations module e

Foundations Module E


Guides the Foundations Team in assessing school strengths and weaknesses related to saf...

foundations module f

Foundations Module F


Outlines how the Foundations Team can analyse and guide an integration of universal pre...

Safe and Civil Schools Series

Dr. Randy Sprick draws on more than 35 years of experience to develop books, multimedia resources, and other materials designed to help educators create a positive school climate and culture in which every student can thrive. The Safe & Civil Schools approach is rooted in the belief that all people are to be treated with dignity and respect, and that misbehaviour is a puzzle to be solved rather than a threat to be eliminated.

The goal of all materials in the series is to empower school staff with techniques to help all students behave responsibly and respectfully. The materials are full of specific "how-to" information. Though each resource stands alone, all are integrated and share some basic processes and beliefs.

The beliefs include:

  1. All students must be treated with dignity and respect.
  2. Students should be taught the skills and behaviours necessary for success.
  3. Motivation and responsibility should be encouraged through positive interactions and building relationships with students.
  4. Student misbehaviour represents a teaching opportunity.

The processes include:

  1. Using data. Objective information about behaviour is more reliable than labels, conclusions, or stereotypes.
  2. Structuring for success. All school settings should be organised to promote successful behaviour from students.
  3. Collaboration. Helping students behave responsibly is the shared responsibility of all school staff.
  4. Self-reflection. If student behaviour is irresponsible, school staff should reflect on what they can do to help students.

These processes and beliefs form a structure for procedures that help prevent students from "falling through the cracks" into school failure.