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Skillstreaming Series

skillstreaming children and youth with high-functioning autism skill cards

Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High-Functioning A...


Convenient 3 x 5 cue cards designed for student use during group sessions and homework ...

skillstreaming children and youth with high-functioning autism - product bundle

Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High-Functioning A...


Modeling, role-playing, performance feedback to teach prosocial skills in a small-group...

skillstreaming children and youth with high-functioning autism

Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High-Functioning A...


80 skills specifically tailored to the needs of learners with high-functioning autism a...

skillstreaming in early childhood

Skillstreaming in Early Childhood


This widely acclaimed approach developed by Dr. Arnold P. Goldstein and colleagues is n...

skillstreaming in early childhood - product bundle

Skillstreaming in Early Childhood - Product Bundle


Includes program manual, lesson plans & activities, student workbooks, leader guide, sk...

skillstreaming the adolescent

Skillstreaming the Adolescent


4 part training approach: modelling, role-playing, performance feedback & generalisatio...

skillstreaming the adolescent - complete school pack

Skillstreaming the Adolescent - Complete School Pack


4 part training approach: modelling, role-playing, performance feedback & generalisatio...

skillstreaming the adolescent - product bundle

Skillstreaming the Adolescent - Product Bundle


4 part training approach: modelling, role-playing, performance feedback & generalisatio...

skillstreaming the elementary school child

Skillstreaming The Elementary School Child


Addresses the social skill needs of students who display aggression, immaturity, withdr...

skillstreaming the elementary school child - complete school pack

Skillstreaming The Elementary School Child - Complete Sch...


Addresses the social skill needs of students who display aggression, immaturity, withdr...

skillstreaming the elementary school child - product bundle

Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child - Product Bundle


Addresses the social skill needs of students who display aggression, immaturity, withdr...

skillstreaming children and youth with high-functioning autism skill posters

Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High-Functioning A...


A set of 80 posters (12×18″) displaying the behavioural steps in each of the skills

skillstreaming children and youth with high-functioning autism student workbook

Skillstreaming Children and Youth with High-Functioning A...


Numerous activities assist students to learn the Skillstreaming process and key social ...

skillstreaming dvd - educator training

Skillstreaming DVD - Educator Training


Staff training DVD + Book for teachers & school counsellors working with students who d...

skillstreaming in early childhood skill cards

Skillstreaming In Early Childhood Skill Cards


Convenient 3×5 cards, illustrated for nonreaders, listing the behavioural steps for ea...

skillstreaming in early childhood skills posters

Skillstreaming in Early Childhood Skills Posters


A set of 40 12×18 inch posters, displaying the behavioural steps in each skill in the ...

skillstreaming in early childhood student workbooks

Skillstreaming In Early Childhood Student Workbooks


A supplement to the program book, the Student Workbook jumpstarts student learning, str...

skillstreaming in early childhood, lesson plans and activities

Skillstreaming in Early Childhood, Lesson Plans and Activ...


Engaging skill-building component designed to supplement the curriculum of this popular...

skillstreaming in the elementary school

Skillstreaming in the Elementary School


A new component designed to supplement the curriculum detailed in the Skillstreaming book.

skillstreaming in the elementary school student workbooks

Skillstreaming in the Elementary School Student Workbooks


Workbooks to help reinforce the 50 social-emotional skills learned in the Skillstreamin...

skillstreaming the adolescent - people skills, doing 'em right!

Skillstreaming the Adolescent - People Skills, Doing 'em ...


Features a Skillstreaming session in progress in which group leaders model a skill; and...

skillstreaming the adolescent lesson plans and activities

Skillstreaming the Adolescent Lesson Plans and Activities


Structured activities to sustain instruction in a set of skills and reinforce student s...

skillstreaming the adolescent skill cards

Skillstreaming The Adolescent Skill Cards


Convenient 3 * 5 cue cards designed for student use during group sessions and homework ...

skillstreaming the adolescent skill posters

Skillstreaming The Adolescent Skill Posters


Set of 50 posters to help you implement the Skillstreaming the Adolescent program.

skillstreaming the adolescent student manual

Skillstreaming The Adolescent Student Manual


A clear, concise guide for students that serves as a handy reference and organiser.

skillstreaming the adolescent student workbooks

Skillstreaming the Adolescent Student Workbooks


Workbooks to help reinforce the 50 social-emotional skills learned in the Skillstreamin...

skillstreaming the elementary school child - people skills, doing 'em right!

Skillstreaming The Elementary School Child - People Skill...


Features a Skillstreaming session in progress in which group leaders model a skill; and...

skillstreaming the elementary school child skill cards

Skillstreaming The Elementary School Child Skill Cards


For student use in group sessions & homework. Cards list the behavioural steps for each...

skillstreaming the elementary school child student manual

Skillstreaming The Elementary School Child Student Manual


A clear, concise guide for students that serves as a handy reference and organiser, wit...

skillstreaming the elementary school child, skill posters

Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child, Skill Posters


Each (18" x 12") poster displays the behavioural steps for the 60 skills included in th...

Skillstreaming is an evidence-based prosocial skills learning program designed to teach social skills to address the needs of children and adolescents who display aggression, immaturity, withdrawal, or other problem behaviours. Skillstreaming employs a four-part training approach: modelling, role-playing, performance feedback, and generalisation, to teach essential prosocial skills.

The Skillstreaming program is delivered for four target groups:

  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary (primary) School
  • Adolescent
  • High-Functioning Autism (Children and Youth)

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