No matching products foundThe highly regarded Sound Out Chapter Books are a range of phonics-based chapter books which give students massive opportunities to practice decoding and one-syllable words.
- Controlled vocabulary and repetition for beginning, struggling, and ESL readers
- Engaging stories reward, encourage, and support independent learning
- Sight words used (Dolch 1st grade and Fry 100) are listed at end of book
- Lexile levels are below 100
- Features 20-point type and generous spacing to promote reading success
- Each book is 32 pages, with illustrations to support reading comprehension
- Comprehension workbooks available
- Includes fiction and non-fiction sets
- Fiction sets A, B, C cover six progressive levels of phonics skills.
- Each set contains 6 books at two adjacent levels (3 at each)
- New Sound Out InfomMAG sets present informational text in youth friendly formats (emails, blogs, etc.)