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Urban Character Education Willie Bohanon Series

power of a positive no

Power of a Positive No


Graphic novel style book on how to choose true friends who will help in resisting negat...

power of an attitude of gratitude

Power of an Attitude of Gratitude


With catchy rhymes and comic book style, children learn the power and importance of gra...

the power of bystanders

The Power of Bystanders


Readers learn how to handle bullying like a B.O.S.S. (Bystanders hold the key; Open you...

the power of self-d

The Power of Self-D


Motivate pre-teens to work hard, set goals, & find good role models with this graphic s...

urban character education willie bohanon set

Urban Character Education Willie Bohanon Set


Rhymes, rap lyrics, graphic illustrations in 4 comic-style books tackling bullying, pee...

Urban Character Education Willie Bohanon Series

Rhymes, rap lyrics, mnemonic devices and graphic illustrations made this series a Mom’s Choice Awards Gold winner!

Each story is written in an attention-grabbing, comic-book style that tackles an issue that touches every child—bullying, negative peer pressure and selfishness. The series centers around Willie Bohanon and his diverse friends at Boemont Junior High. Despite personal challenges, these kids are determined to do their best and learn from their mistakes. Along the way, they find support and inspiration from their friendly school principal and a trusted guidance counselor.     

The Urban Character Education series is great for anyone who wants to help children understand the importance of working hard, having goals and being self-reliant. The downloadable activities and games  will engage kids and extend the learning.