Brenda Smith Myles, Diane Adreon, Dena Gitlitz
Children and youth with Asperger Syndrome, high-functioning autism (HFA), and pervasive developmental disorders-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and related exceptionalities have great potential, but all too often their abilities are not realised.
Simple Strategies that Work! provides ideas and suggestions that teachers can use to help a student with AS/HFA on the road to success. The book discusses problems that arise in the classroom and how teachers can adjust the classroom to accommodate, while not interfering with normal classroom routines.
Not boggled down with jargon, the book includes tables and boxes for quick reference and clear meaning.
Also included is information on what can cause anxiety for the AS/HFA student, how this can lead to decreased academic and social performance, decreased attention to task, and potential increases in behaviour problems, and what the teacher can do to assist.
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