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Skills for Effective Learning in School: Supporting Emotional Health and Wellbeing

RRP - $74.54   Our Price - $63.59  Spiral Bound
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Alison Waterhouse

  • Skills for Effective Learning in School

284 pages
ISBN: 9781138370319

One of the five books in the Mental Health and Wellbeing Teacher Toolkit, this practical resource focuses on the topic of ‘Skills for Learning’. The book offers research-driven, practical strategies, resources and lesson plans to support educators and health professionals. This is a resource book for practitioners looking to have a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of the children and young people in their care; both now and in the future. Chapters span key topics including Metacognition, Learning Dimensions, Problem Solving and Cognitive Strategies. A complete toolkit for teachers and counsellors, this book offers:

  • Easy to follow and flexible lesson plans that can be adapted and personalised for use in lessons or smaller groups or 1:1 work
  • Resources that are linked to the PSHE and Wellbeing curriculum for KS1, KS2 and KS3
  • New research, ‘Circles for Learning’, where the introduction of baby observation into the classroom by a teacher is used to understand and develop self-awareness, skills for learning, relationships, neuroscience and awareness of others
  • Sections on the development of key skills in communication, skills for learning, collaboration, empathy and self-confidence
  • Learning links, learning objectives and reflection questions.

Offering research-driven, practical strategies and lesson plans, Skills for Effective Learning in School is an essential resource book for educators and health professionals looking to have a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of the children in their care; both now and in the future.

Table of Contents


  1. Thinking about Thinking
  2. Planning our Project
  3. Monitoring our Learning
  4. Reviewing our Work

Learning Dimensions

  • Curiosity: A wish to know and find out and dig beneath the surface.
  • Exploring Questions Part 1
  • Exploring Questions Part 2
  • Exploring Questions Part 3
  • The Why Ladder
  • Risk Friendly Climate
  • New Words
    • Changing and Learning: A sense of getting better at learning over time and of growing and changing and adapting as a learner in the whole of life

    1. Milestones

    2. Different Ways of Learning

    3. My Learning Toolkit/What are my Learning Strategies

    4. Look what I Can do Now!

    • Learning Relationships: Learning with and from others, and also being able to manage without them.

    1. Create an Advert to Celebrate Who You Are.

    2. The Build A Brain Team Challenge

    3. What is Team Work

    4. Skills for Collaboration

    5. Constructive Feedback

    • Meaning Making: Making connections and seeing that learning matters to me.

    1. Before Baby Arrives

    2. Lets Relax

    3. Thinking Chains

    4. Everything That Had To Happen to Make This.

    • Strategic Awareness: A sense of myself as someone who learns and changes over time.

    1. What is Learning?

    2. My Learning Strategies

    3. The Emotions of Learning

    4. Performance and My Learning Zone

    • Resilience: The ability to keep going to develop my own learning, to stick it out and get what I want and need to keep growing and learning.

    1. What is Resilience?

    2. Resilience and Persistence

    3. Be Your Own Life Coach

    4. Stress Management

    5. Self-Talk

    6. The Best Mistake I Ever Made

    • Creativity: Risk taking, playfulness, imagination and intuition.

    1. My Little Book of Ideas

    2. Think Up A Storm

    3. Ready Steady Make a Game

    4. Good Luck Bad Luck

    Problem Solving

    1. Problem Solving Part 1

    2. Problem Solving Part 2

    3. Problem Solving Part 3

    4. What Should I do?

    Cognitive Strategies

    1. Memorisation

    2. Mind Maps

    3. Revision