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Skillstreaming DVD - Educator Training: How to Teach Students Prosocial Skills

$128.14  DVD
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Ellen McGinnis, Arnold P Goldstein

  • Skillstreaming DVD - Educator Training

ISBN: 9780878225880

This widely used staff training DVD is designed for teachers and school counselling staff who work with students who display aggression, immaturity, withdrawal, or other problem behaviours. The DVD contains scenes of actual training sessions that show Dr. Arnold Goldstein and Dr. Ellen McGinnis working with small groups of adolescents and elementary students. The students learn specific prosocial skills, such as resisting peer pressure, dealing with teasing, and responding to an accusation.

The DVD illustrates the concepts and training procedures contained in the books:

  • Skillstreaming the Adolescent and
  • Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child.

(Books sold separately)

The preview below features selected scenes from the 26-minute program. NOTE: The video and audio have been compressed for web delivery. The actual product has higher quality video and audio.

"The video demonstrates a step-by-step procedure to help students learn how to change their behavior. Counselors and teachers are given a structured, but flexible plan for conducting a group of students in a positive learning experience."
- Deborah R. Newman, Guidepost, American Counseling Association

"Clearly shows how to teach prosocial skills to students. Well organized in an easy-to-follow manner."
- Media Profiles

"Staff developers will be able to use the video as a guide, format, and/or tool for training concerning changing undesirable behavior."
- Dianne Smith, Journal of Staff Development