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Smart but Scattered Teens: The Executive Skills Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential

$42.72  Paperback
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Richard Guare, Peg Dawson, Colin Guare

  • Smart but Scattered Teens

293 pages
ISBN: 9781609182298

"I told you, I'll do it later."

"I forgot to turn in the stupid application."

"Could you drive me to school? I missed the bus again."

"I can't walk the dog—I have too much homework!"

If you're the parent of a "smart but scattered" teen, trying to help him or her grow into a self-sufficient, responsible adult may feel like a never-ending battle. Now you have an alternative to micromanaging, cajoling, or ineffective punishments.

This positive guide provides a science-based program for promoting teens' independence by building their executive skills; the fundamental brain-based abilities needed to get organised, stay focused, and control impulses and emotions. Executive skills experts Drs. Richard Guare and Peg Dawson are joined by Colin Guare, a young adult who has successfully faced these issues himself. Learn step-by-step strategies to help your teen live up to his or her potential now and in the future; while making your relationship stronger.

Helpful worksheets and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8½" x 11" size.

Over 50,000 copies in print!

Table of Contents

Authors' Note


I. What Makes Your Teen Smart but Scattered

  1. Executive Skills and the Teen Brain
  2. Identifying Your Teen's Executive Skills Strengths and Weaknesses
  3. Assessing Your Own Executive Skills and Parenting Style

II. Laying a Foundation That Can Help

  1. Ten Principles for Improving Your Teen's Executive Skills
  2. Motivating Your Teen to Use Executive Skills
  3. Modifying the Environment
  4. Teaching Executive Skills

III. Putting It All Together

  1. Advance Organizer
  2. Enhancing Response Inhibition
  3. Strengthening Working Memory
  4. Increasing Emotional Control
  5. Boosting Flexibility
  6. Building Sustained Attention
  7. Teaching Task Initiation
  8. Promoting Planning and Prioritizing
  9. Fostering Organization
  10. Improving Time Management
  11. Encouraging Goal-Directed Persistence
  12. Cultivating Metacognition
  13. Coaching
  14. Transitions


"An absolute 'must read' for parents. Many detailed examples show you exactly how to teach your teenager the skills needed for success in school and beyond. The clever strategies for getting around teens' creative resistance to making changes are particularly helpful. I will recommend this gem of a book to all of the parents and adolescents I treat."
- Arthur L. Robin, PhD, coauthor of Your Defiant Teen

"Executive skills are critical to success in life, but may be delayed in some teens and young adults—and parents are often at a loss for how to help. Smart but Scattered Teens is just what parents need. This is a highly useful guide for improving teens' executive skills and motivating them to use the skills they already have."
- Patricia O. Quinn, MD, coauthor of Ready for Take-Off: Preparing Your Teen with ADHD or LD for College

"Does your teen's behavior have you tearing out your hair in frustration? Quit nagging and use this wonderfully insightful and practical book to coach your 'smart but scattered' teen for personal, educational, and social success."
- William Pfohl, PsyD, past president, International School Psychology Association