There's nothing more frustrating than watching your bright, talented son or daughter struggle with everyday tasks like finishing homework, putting away toys, or following instructions at school. Your "smart but scattered" 4- to 13-year-old might also have trouble coping with disappointment or managing anger. Drs. Peg Dawson and Richard Guare have great news: there's a lot you can do to help. The latest research in child development shows that many kids who have the brain and heart to succeed, lack or lag behind in crucial executive skills; the fundamental habits of mind required for getting organised, staying focused, and controlling impulses and emotions.
Learn easy-to-follow steps to identify your child's strengths and weaknesses, use activities and techniques proven to boost specific skills, and problem-solve daily routines.
Helpful worksheets and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8½" x 11" size. Small changes can add up to big improvements—this empowering book shows how.
I. What Makes Your Child Smart But Scattered
II. Laying a Foundation That Can Help
III. Putting It All Together
"Fun to read....This book is quite interactive....Questionnaires are provided both for children (of various ages) as well as parents, so that they can both see their strengths and weaknesses....Techniques to teach executive skills are shown in a step-wise manner, and planning sheets are available throughout the text....Another strength of this book is its focus on the emotional aspect of executive functioning, and providing strategies to bolster the emotional skill set of children....Strongly recommended for any parent who wishes to help their children maximize their potential, even if they do not have identified academic or behavioral struggles."
- Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
"The best parent resource on executive skills that I have seen. As a parent of three children, one of whom has learning disabilities, and as a special education associate who works in the classroom, I highly recommend this book. It shows there is hope for children who are struggling, and offers practical, detailed advice."
- L. Libbey, parent, Hampton, NH
"Drs. Dawson and Guare translate cutting-edge research into meaningful, practical, well-organized, and easy-to-implement strategies that parents can use to enhance a child's natural executive abilities. This brilliant book is by far the best on the topic that I have read to date."
- Russell A. Barkley, PhD, ABPP, author of Taking Charge of ADHD
"If you've ever wondered why your child struggles academically or behaviorally—despite having the 'right stuff' to succeed—this book is essential reading. Drs. Dawson and Guare explain the importance of executive skills and provide science-based strategies that empower you to start helping your child today."
- Sam Goldstein, PhD, coauthor of Raising Resilient Children