Your struggling readers now have even more chapter books to choose from. Six more titles are included in Set B3 that focus on the same phonics skills found in Set B2: short vowels and long vowels. Students with minimal reading skills who want to get their hands on age-appropriate chapter books now have a wide range of stories to choose from.
Set B3, like Set B2, includes six books, three of which focus on short vowels and three that focus on long vowels.
3 x level 3 books (level 1-2 skills plus):
3 x level 4 books (level 1-3 skills plus):
Students with minimal reading skills can read these books from cover-to-cover. They'll have a successful and enjoyable reading experience with lots of decoding practice. Titles include: Lost in the Dunes, Reef Dive, Tree Walk, Up on the Peaks, Chase the Wind, On the Ice.
Each book is 5 x 7, 32 pp., with 22 pt. type.
Volume discount available - save on the cost per item when you buy at least the quantity below.